About Us

We think Chincoteague Island is a very special place.  You probably do, too, that's why you're here.  We, at the Tump Life Store, want to share some of her unique character with the world, even with those who can't make the trip to our lovely island right now.

Even for those who can easily visit, we thought that it might be helpful to have an alternative to the in-store retail shop experience.  We've seen people arrive at a Chincoteague gift or souvenir outlet only to leave the parking lot disappointed, because they had stopped in a time that was convenient for them and their family, but not so much for the retailer, (especially in the nine months of the year that are not Summer season).

For those who could shop when convenient for the merchants, many of you (like us) are on a budget.  As you've already spent your vacation money on travel, accommodations, and food, so why not defer some spending until your next paycheck (or the one after that...).  We're always here - even when you're not.  And, should you have forgotten a special gift or memento, no worries.  You can always and easily come back to our store to pick one up.

While our stock certainly doesn't rival that of other Chincoteague merchants, we are committed to continuing to build out our selection of curated "essentials" - and (unless noted otherwise) EVERY DESIGN IS AN ORIGINAL. Sorry to "shout", but we really wanted to get that point across.  Each design is unique to The Tump Life Store.  We don't license our work to anyone, either.  You won't find these items anywhere else, in-store or online (if you do, our intellectual property has been stolen, and we'd like to know).

So, now you know a bit about us.  Oh, and if you are wondering, we are based right in the heart of this enchanted Island, (though our business license specifically states that we are not to conduct business with on-site customers.)